Raise the Roof Fundraiser Gala

Banquets of Minnesota 6310 Hwy 65 NE, Fridley, MN, United States

Let's BREAK GROUND on a home together that will impact generations to come and RAISE THE ROOF over the heads of single moms and their children. HEAR about how a builder found us, SEE how you can make a difference … Continued

Single Moms Christmas Party

58 Mississippi Street NE, Fridley, MN 55432 58 Mississippi Street NE, Fridley, Minnesota

If you are a single mom come and join us at a night just for you! Come to unwind, connect with other single moms, play some reindeer games and enjoy some adult food you don't have to cook!

RSVP to 612-709-2850 (text/call) by Sunday December 12th.

Childcare not provided.

Golf Fundraising Event

Topgolf 6420 Camden Ave. N., Brooklyn Center, MN, United States

WHETHER YOU ARE AN AVID GOLFER OR WISH YOU WERE, COME AND HAVE SOME FUN AND SEE HOW YOU CAN GIVE A MOM HOPE FOR HER FUTURE! Whether you are an avid golfer or wish you were, come and join … Continued

Blaine Festival

Aquatore Park 9191 Lincoln St NE, Blaine, MN

Come see us in the civic tent on Non-Profit Day at the Blaine Festival!   For more information about the event go to their website listed below.  Hope to see you there!

Mom-led Family Picnic

Aquatore Park 9191 Lincoln St NE, Blaine, MN

Come to connect with other moms and their kiddos! Hear about upcoming events and give us your ideas! There will be water games, chalk, hula hoops and a playground for the kids! A kid-friendly lunch will be served so you … Continued

Back-to-School Event

Hey single moms, come to connect with other moms and their kiddos!  Let's share ideas on how to make time for yourself in the midst of the busyness of kids.  We will practice this while we meet as kids are … Continued

Raise the Roof Fundraiser Gala

Banquets of Minnesota 6310 Hwy 65 NE, Fridley, MN, United States

Let's Raise the Roof and Build a Home for single moms and their babies! Moms are looking for a safe, affordable place to live with their baby while they seek to gain independence and YOU can help them find that … Continued

Redeemer Lutheran Church Fridley, MN 61 Mississippi St. NE, Fridley, MN

Buying a Home Series – Lending

Redeemer Lutheran Church Fridley, MN 61 Mississippi St. NE, Fridley, MN

Getting pre-approved seems to be the most intimidating step of the home buying process for most first time home buyers. In reality is is super easy and can give you the best idea of what you can afford and a … Continued

Golf FORE! Single Moms Fundraiser

Topgolf 6420 Camden Ave. N., Brooklyn Center, MN, United States

Whether you are an avid golfer or want to try it out, come and join us! Games will be lead by Topgolf staff and they promise to be fun! Includes prizes to be won! There will also be a raffle … Continued