There are many ways to be part of our vision. We need people of all kinds and all gifting to make this possible. If you have questions or ideas, please send a note from our Contact page
1. Prayer
Prayer is our first and foremost need. This ministry is an answer to God’s call and is by His leading and provision. He alone makes a difference in each person’s life whether they are a mom, child, or volunteer. Pray for His will to be done and for His glory to be made known.
2. Monetary Donation
Our ministry depends on the generous gifts of individuals, churches, foundations, and corporations. Your partnership pays for our program expenses and makes Mom’s Haven of Hope’s home a shelter for moms and their babies.
YOU are essential and very much appreciated. You may give online using PayPal or mail a check to Mom’s Haven of Hope PO Box 490482 Blaine, MN 55449.
3. In-kind Donation
- Occasionally a mom or child has a specific need. Join our email list if you wish to receive communication about current needs.
- Fun things include restaurant gift cards for pizza, Chipotle, Crisp and Green, chinese or mexican cuisine, etc. Entertainment gift cards to Sea Life, movie theatre, zoo, an indoor playground, pool, etc. Gas Gift cards too! Mail to Mom’s Haven of Hope, PO Box 490482 Blaine, MN 55449
- Household items: paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenexes, laundry soap, baby wipes (sensitive), Size 5T to 6T pullups, pump hand soap.
- Check our gift registry at Walmart or Amazon for more of our current needs!
4. Volunteer
- There are many ways to volunteer your time and talent.
- If the following are in line with your gifting and calling, please consider volunteering for 6 months to a year as we form teams to support Mom’s Haven of Hope and current ministries. Current need is for Child care volunteers during Tuesday Bible Study or Financial Management classes.
- We would love to have you join us! If interested please let us know via our Contact Us page and we will get in touch.
5. Prayer Ministry
- Coordinator: This person takes prayer requests from the board, staff and volunteers forwarding them by email to specific appropriate prayer groups. In addition, will be responsible to assemble groups and communicate guidelines for receiving requests. Is beneficial for this person to attend various meetings or groups but will not be required. One hour per week, flexible.
- Prayer Minister: The person would receive prayer requests either for the ministry or for individuals via email. They would commit time and faithfulness in praying for the requests received. At times there may be opportunities to pray with people at an event although it is not required.
6. Events Planning
- Coordinator: This person would coordinate and plan special events for moms and children (approximately 3 per year). Responsibilities include being the contact person, collecting money, ordering tickets, arranging teams to help when necessary, and communication / advertising the events.
- Team Member: This person would assist the Events Coordinator in planning events and helping in a variety of ways per the coordinator.
7. Co-Leaders to Small Group Ministry
- This person should have a passion to lead the women in small group ministry. They should be able to come up with ideas, resources and help facilitate the discussion and activities for the weekly meetings. They should be able to attend most bi-weekly meetings in order to foster relationships with the moms.

8. Mentoring
- Mentor Coordinator: This person should have a passion for encouraging and raising up mentors with a heart to help single moms cope with life and grow spiritually. She will train and equip mentors via monthly support sessions and individual meetings when necessary. The Mentor Coordinator will connect mentors with mentees. Time commitment: 2 hours per week
- Mentor: The mentor will meet with 1 or 2 mentees on a regular basis as requested by the mentee. They will also attend a monthly meeting for their own support. The mentor should have a passion for guiding a single mom to self-sufficiency and spiritual growth. Time commitment: 2 hours weekly, flexible
9. Childcare
- Coordinator: This person would be responsible for setting up a team of people to provide childcare for support group meetings and other special events.
- Team Members: These people have a love for small children and babies and are available either regularly or as needed to care for and play with the children.
10. Transportation
- This person would supply transportation or arrange for someone to provide transportation to a mom and her children to a meeting or event.
11. Life Skills Coordinator
- This person would be responsible for procuring curriculum or speakers and developing a plan for teaching life skills to the moms.
12. Community Liaison
- This person would agree to work with the area high schools, county health nurses, etc. to discuss the needs of teen moms and to keep them up to date with what the ministry has to offer them.
13. Creative Communications Coordinator
- This person will be responsible for creating both printed and electronic communications including brochures, newsletters, website maintenance, and videos as needed. Or find the people who can help with the processes.
14. Administrative Assistant
- This person would be responsible for organizing and retaining data bases, minutes, paperwork as well as resources, and contact information of supportive services for the moms.
15. Fundraising Events Planner
- Coordinator: This person will have experience in organizing fundraising events or various fundraising activities. They will be responsible for the full planning, advertising, and execution of the event.
- Team Member: This person(s) will assist the fundraising coordinator with whatever needs to be done in preparation for or at an event/activity including set up, take down, gathering materials, money, or anything else.
16. Grant Writing Coordinator
- This person would be responsible for researching various grants and for the writing and the submitting of the proposal. Eventually, this could work into a paid position or into the searching for a person to write grants. They could also form a team of people to help with the research. Team Member: This person(s) would assist the grant writer in doing the research required for a grant and assist the grant writer in any other way.
17. Legal
- This person would give legal counsel on an “as needed” basis for the home or possibly for the women.
18. Finance & Accounting
- This person would be responsible for doing the bookkeeping using Quickbooks.